Tuesday, December 9, 2008

What a stressful sad week. There is always hope for tomorrow... but some weeks just hit to hard. My best friends dad died over the Thanksgiving day weekend. They were also celebrating their 44th anniversary. I was not able to get back to him right off as my computer had been slaughtered with a really bad virus. I feel so bad I can't be there for him.

I am still waiting to hear back from him. I know he's busy now... but I worry about him.

The house is coming a long. Things are going very well out here... except the computer thing. My new security software has been locking me out of my ftp. So until I get that resolved this is the only place to get my new work. LOL OK here and my DA account. Anyhoo.. here is my new winter work. Took starting over 3 times after getting half done and deciding I didn't like the pose. Fourth time was the charm. :)

Jack Frost Conceptual Illustration:

Full pic here: http://spiritonparole.deviantart.com/art/Jack-Frost-105720629

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